Ћирилица |
Latinica |
Castle of Vladika, Vrsac
Castle of "Vladika" |
Vrsac |
The castle was built between 1750. and 1757. year while Bishop was John Georgijević and only this purpose from the Baroque period.
It was built as a two floor building representative for the purpose of Banat bishop of the diocese after moving from Karansebesha
in Vrsac. On the ground floor castle is a chapel dedicated to St. Archangel Gabriel and Mihailo, the iconostasis, which was painted
between 1761. and 1765. year. Iconostasis is one of the rare saved iconostasis from the eighteenth century. In the court are valuable
collection of icons, portraits of the most important Bishops of Vrsac and a great library. Collection of icons collected in the Banat
includes a period of three centuries, with the most valuable icon painter Zogofa from the first half of the eighteenth century. Icons
in the collection are works Zogofa Peter, Prvula, Serbana Popovića, Nedeljko Popovic, John Četirevića Grbovana and unknown artists.
Group of icons of serbian Baroque periods is presented by work of the painters from the second half of the eighteenth century, Theodor
Ilic Cesljar, Dimitrije Popovic and others. Radical adaptation, which is completely changed the look of the building, made Bishop
Gavrilo Zmejanović 1904. when it changed entrance and reconstructed roof. At that time the main facade received Neo-Baroqe and
Neo-Renaissance decorative program, pilastre and new windows, while the basis of the building is not significantly changed. Simple
architecture of Baroque palace, with simetry and ritmic series of window openings, updated emphasized whit the central rizalitom that
i the hight of Atiku has balustrade and especially built garret roofing decorated with multicolour tile. Fence the park with a rich
combination of baroque wall mass and forged iron is authentic. The castle is the chear of Banat Bishop, and the building is a monument
of culture of exceptional importance.
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